Thursday, March 09, 2006

Lent is hard

This year for Lent I have given up celebrity gossip. I realized that some mornings I wake up and the first thought in my sleepy brain is "Did TomKat break up yet?And that is a big problem. Not that I don't have a million other bad habits I should give up for Lent (drinking, sugar, sloth, sloppiness)but celebrity gossip seemed manageable. But it's been hard to define the battle lines. If it's in a real newspaper I can read it...(it's news, after all) but clearly reading US or People at the gym is out (difficult, considering that reading US and People is half the reason why I go to the gym in the first place.)Can I make exceptions for special events like a dentisit's appointment?(what else is there to do in the waiting room?)

In any case, I hope that if something truly earthshaking like a second Britney-K-Fed offspring happens, someone will let me know. But I guess as a good Episcopalian I won't be able to listen.


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